Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Weekend in Pennsylvania

So this past weekend, we headed up to Pennsylvania to visit my family. Friday night was pizza night with some of our family friends. It was great to catch up! On Saturday, we went to the Home Show in Harrisburg with my parents. It was really neat to see what different vendors can come up with. That night, TJ and I went to the Hollywood Casino with our friends Karey and Joe. We didn’t win anything, but had a lot of fun.

Kenley’s baptism is the last weekend in March. I have heard of people using their wedding gowns to make christening gowns. My mom’s friend/co-worker was able to make one for Kenley. The gown is beautiful. Below are two pictures:

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Kenley was 2 months old on Sunday. Yesterday, she had her 2 month well-baby check-up. She is doing great! Only four more weeks of maternity leave :-(

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I love it when she smiles!

As stated in the previous post, Kenley has started to smile when you talk to her. I took this picture last night and couldn’t wait to share it!


Monday, March 7, 2011

Just a little update…

Things around here have been running pretty smoothly…I can’t really complain! Kenley is almost 8 weeks old….time is flying! She getting so big. She has finally outgrown her newborn outfits, which is sad and exciting at the same time! She will only be this small for such a short amount of time, so I’m trying to enjoy every minute.

I was reading about different milestones that should be coming up. Cooing and smiling are two of them. Kenley has started doing both and her personality is starting to show. Below are some more pictures that I’d like to share….

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Spending time with Daddy…

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My girl is not very fond of bath time yet :-)

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